BITA Update

Update to all BITA Apprentices and their Employers

Dear BITA Apprentices and Employers,

Following the advice of the Federal and Queensland governments, Baking Industry Training Australia has decided to continue all block release classes at the Morningside facility. Trainers, where possible, will also continue to assess students at their place of work.

       20-24 April – Specialty Flour/Sweet Yeast

       27-30 April – Cake

       18-22 May – Basic Bread/Savoury Bread

        25-29 May – Basic Bread/Savoury Bread

All apprentices who are scheduled to attend classes must contact BITA if they are feeling ill before, during or after coming into contact with any member of the BITA staff. Apprentices will not be able to attend any block courses if they are feeling ill.  BITA reserves the right to ask students to leave if they display any symptoms of COVID-19.

Trainers will confirm all appointments before they arrive and are not required to attend any workplace if any member of staff is sick.

Trainers have been asked to practice social distancing, as such they will limit their interactions with all persons.

The health of BITA employees and all apprentices, employers and the greater community is our highest priority. As bakers, we have a duty to ensure the health of those who purchase our products.

If you have any concerns, please contact your trainer or the BITA offices on 07 3899 6100.

We will continue to update you on any developments as they occur.


BITA Board and Management Team