Category Archives: Business

Transferring employees

Transferring employees when selling or buying a bakery

There are many things to organise when selling your baking business, such as transferring employees and signing all key documents. A common question that we receive from both employee and business owner is “What happens to my employees’ entitlements”? The answer depends upon the negotiations with the purchaser of the business. If the purchaser does

Allergen Labelling

Allergen Labelling Transition Period Ending

In February 2021, the Australian New Zealand Food Standards Code was amended to introduce new requirements for the labeling of allergens in food. The transition period for compliance on allergen labelling comes to an end on 25 February 2024. The requirments state that allergen labelling is to be declared in the following format: Declarations must

Reduce Energy Costs in your Bakery

8 Tips to reduce energy costs in your bakery

Running a bakery isn’t just about kneading dough and baking bread. It’s also about managing costs, including your business energy bill. In this post, Zembl (NBIA Allied Member) have shared some practical tips to reduce energy costs in your bakery. Why monitor your bakery’s energy usage? Bakeries are energy-intensive businesses. From the ovens and mixers

Tailored Insurance Programs for Bakeries

Why bakers should have a tailored insurance program

Join us for an informative webinar in collaboration with KBI Specialist Insurance Brokers. Discover Why you need a tailored insurance program for bakeries and gain fundamental insights into building a comprehensive insurance strategy for your bakery. KBI will provide you with a list of critical, essential, and other insurance policies to consider, empowering you to